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Similarly, music and sounds created in Apple GarageBand could be exported to iTunes and imported to the Premiere Pro project. GarageBand allows for the creation of sounds through the use of pre-existing loops, the electronic input using the computer keyboard, using the built in microphone to record voice, or by using a specialised USB cable connected to an instrument to capture the sound from a physical instrument. When producing the music for our trailer, electronic loops and a guitar were used in conjunction and brought together on the mobile application edition of Apple GarageBand. To record the guitar music, a specifically designed cable was used to link the instrument with the lightning port of the Apple iPod used. Therefore, the       ........


















Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 was the programme used to bring all of the footage and audio inputs together and create the final trailer. This system is user-friendly to make editing simple, but the parameters to the effects which can be applied are extensive.























music could be completely original and bespoke to match our trailer’s genre perfectly. This was then exported as an MP3 file and transferred to the Apple Mac computer in order to be imported into the Premiere Pro project file. The desktop version of Apple GarageBand was used to record the voiceover, as well as to produce the sound to be placed over the production logo and ‘breaking news’ graphic. The diegetic sound effect of the photographer’s cameras was also created in Apple GarageBand.














To produce the poster and magazine cover ancillary tasks, I used Adobe Photoshop CS6. This allowed me to manipulate the photographs so that these advertisements looked professional. Photoshop allowed me to use the burn tool on the poster to affect the look of the subject’s skin so that they appeared bruised, and the background of the wires was removed with the magic wand and eraser tools to allow them to sit above this image. Photoshop’s layers mean that images and text can be rearranged, and therefore, the magazine’s secondary images were imported above the base image and green rectangle to make am angled footer bar. I added a stroke to the masthead then used the eraser tool to give a distorted effect to fit with the convention of an Empire magazine. I affected the text above the secondary images in the same way, after surrounding each of them with a rounded rectangle through the shape tool. The central image on the magazine cover was trimmed to the shape of a circle through the use ellipsis select tool, and then an ellipsis and rectangles were added via the shape tool.















generated Wix address of This would seem unprofessional on our poster, so the would-be domain was featured to produce a more professionally looking advertisement.


Question 4


Media technologies were essential in the construction section of this project, not only for capturing the footage but also during the manipulation during post-production.

In order to record the scenes for the trailer, we used the Sony NEX-5NK HD camera to achieve a professional, high quality cinematographic experience. When used in conjunction with the Sony ECMSST1 Compact Stereo Microphone, pristine sound could accompany the video files. The use of a high definition camera ensured that our trailer looks professional and is easy on the eye. Not only was this camera used for the capture of moving film, but also for photographs to use on my poster, magazine cover and website. The Sony HVLF20S Flash attachment provided an improved look to photographs taken for the ancillary tasks and ensured that they are of an industry quality.

Adobe After Effects CS6 allowed for the production logo, ‘breaking news’ screen and news graphics to be produced. The effect could be easily adjusted to suit our needs and fit with the other clips in the trailer, using keyframes to instruct the animations to occur to our needs. Lighting effects were also added to give a higher quality to the 3D dynamics. When the creation of the graphic was completed, an Adobe Dynamic Link joined the After Effects file to the Premiere Pro project. This allowed for changes to be made in After Effects, with these adjustments also being applied to the clip

in Premiere Pro. For example, when the music was matched with the ‘breaking news’ graphic, the timing could be simply tailored and previewed without the need for time-consuming exporting each time.

A green screen was placed behind the newscasters during filming so that a studio effect could be imposed these characters so it appeared that they were in professional news studios across the globe. This was achieved through the use of the ultra key effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, which removes all of a particular colour from a piece of video footage. The different remits of this effect were adjusted to give a clean cut around the subject, and remove any remaining discrepancies left from the original image.

The Wix website builder was used to produce the website for our film. This allowed us to easily create an interactive website that links to the trailer and social media outlets which introduces the audience to characters and the background to the situation of our film. More about the capabilities of the Wix website builder can be found in the evaluation section of question 4. This website would have the address ‘’ if I was producing a professional film. However, we did not have the facilities to buy a website domain, so needed to use the automatically  ....

Social media pages were created in order to promote our film to wider audiences. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube are all networks which are used by members of our target audience and allow for Lazarsfeld’s process of a two-step flow to promote our content to much larger audiences. This variety of platforms each have a different focus, and therefore different content was uploaded to each. However, the posts can be shared between the social media sites to promote the different content.

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