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The Sony NEX-5NK HD camera with the Sony ECMSST1 Compact Stereo Microphone was used to film the answer to question 3; “What have you learned from your audience feedback?”. This video was edited though Adobe Premiere Pro and the ‘black and white’ effect was applied. This created a more interesting evaluation to ensure that viewers are engaged with the information presented. Uploading this through YouTube meant that this video could be embedded directly into my evaluation website via the purpose-built YouTube player applications.














Question 4


The evaluation website was created through the Wix website builder for ease. This software  has a wide variety of capabilities to make the site easily navigable and interactive. The trailer  could be embedded from YouTube and social media feeds were linked. In addition, tutorials used and photographs were added to the different pages to create a visual representation of what was discussed in the questions.

Photographs for the evaluation were also taken with the Sony NEX-5NK HD with the Sony HVLF20S Flash attachment for high-quality images to ensure that the website is aesthetically pleasing and links with the film. The background image is a High Definition photograph of the Houses of Parliament, as a major theme of our film is the distribution of power throughout the government and the Prime Minister is a major character in the production.


Gif animations were made with the aid of an online creator in order to present icons on my evaluation website in an engaging and attractive way. This allowed for the logos of different software products used to be displayed in a space-saving manner which does not impact on the layout of the website or the text. 

Soundcloud allowed for sounds from the film to be uploaded and embedded into the evaluation website. The full musical score was embedded into the page to allow for visitors to hear this layer of the soundtrack without any other influences. The specific tool for embedding Soundcloud clips into Wix websites made the process simple, and an equivalent feature is available for linking YouTube videos and social media streams to the evaluation. This interactivity increases the ease of navigation as there is no need for hyperlinks to external sites.

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