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A wide variety of media technologies were used from the start of this project.


When researching the conventions of existing media products, I used the World Wide Web through Google Chrome to search for trailers, magazines, posters and websites with the aid of the search engine Google. YouTube provided a platform to watch film trailers, which were then embedded into Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 and deconstructed to analyse their conventions and how the techniques used could be applied to our construction.




Similarly, I inserted photographs of film posters and the front covers of popular film magazines, which were found on Google Images, onto slides in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 in order to examine their compositions. The separation of individual slides in PowerPoint allow for the different examples  .................

investigated to be easily distinguishable from one another, with all information seen on the screen at any one time being relevant to the image in the centre of the slide. These PowerPoint presentations were uploaded to the online file sharing service Microsoft OneDrive, through which they could be embedded into the blog or evaluation website.


The online presentation software Prezi allows for engaging presentations to be made which hold the attention of audiences. Therefore, I decided to host my film website research through Prezi. I could embed the web pages that were being discussed so viewers can directly relate the comments to the actual product.


In addition to this, in order to gain an understanding of my target audience I created surveys through the survey creator SurveyMonkey which allowed for me to better address those in the demographic at which my film would be aimed. I directly distributed this survey to members of the target audience through email and social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, I only received relevant data which I could analyse to ensure that my future products would attract who we intend.


These research elements were exhibited through the Blogger blog platform for simple yet effective viewing. This software allows for presentations to be imported from OneDrive, Prezi and surveys from SurveyMonkey so that visitors do not need to be directed to external sites which would reduce the enjoyment and look of the site.





Question 4


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